Submitted by KT77
You wake up after a nightmare and look in the bathroom mirror. Something is different about your appearance…
Your eyes fly open, your breathing is ragged and your lungs are on fire, tears sting your eyes as you remember these awful nightmares. The demons made you watch as they ripped your person from your hands and tore them limb from limb. They made you watch as your person screamed your name, begging for help that you couldn’t give. You watched the life leave their eyes. Tears streamed down your face as you remember the pain in those memories. You check the time, 5:04 AM, you decide there’s no way you’ll be able to go back to sleep.
You walk into the bathroom and flick the light on, the bright fluorescent lights make you cringe. You walk up to the sink and splash water on your face, hoping to wake you up enough to forget those awful memories. When you look in the mirror, something seems… off. You can’t place it, but something is different. Your eyes are the same color they’ve always been, your hair is still the same color… you look back at your eyes. Are they the same color?
“No, you’re going crazy” you tell yourself. But there’s something about you eyes, you can’t place it but they look… different. You rub your eyes and look back in the mirror. You scream in horror when you finally see what’s wrong. Your eyes… they aren’t yours… they’re your persons eyes. You watch in horror as your face changes before your eyes, you morph into your person, an exact replica of the person you love so dearly. You close you’re eyes.
You’re dreaming you must be dreaming you’re going to open your eyes and it’s all going to be over it was just a nightmare. This is just another nightmare it isn’t real.
You open you’re eyes and… you’re in bed. You breathe a sigh of relief as you realize it was a nightmare. You check your phone, 6:29 AM. One minute before your alarm, a normal occurrence now. You turn your alarm off and go to the bathroom. You glance in the mirror and scream.
Nightmares aren’t always fiction.