Inspired by Kail Cleo

Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).

Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.


Reina - May 1st

Keeping a diary is an objectively stupid thing for a Power to do, unless you actively want to lose your abilities. Anything which risks revealing your true identity is a stupid risk. But at some point, something has to give, and the leading theories in psychology suggest that if you can’t talk openly to a therapist, trying to talk openly to yourself is the next best thing. And the mirror is too awkward. So I’m writing things down. I’ll keep them for a few days each, long enough to reflect on them (hopefully), then destroy them. That and the fact that they’re written in a very simple cypher should at least prevent accidental discovery.

Reina - May 2nd


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