Post-It Note

“I need to tell you something, urgently. It’s about your boss.”

I stare blankly at the Post-It note on top of my desk. It hadn’t been there when I left to fill up my water bottle a mere thirty seconds ago. I look around, but everyone else in the office is still focused on their computer screens. None of them bat an eye in my direction. I shrug it off and throw the note in the garbage can a few feet away.

When I turn around, there’s another Post-It on my desk. This one says, “Please, you have to listen to me. You could be in danger.”

That’s it. This has to be some silly prank one of the interns is playing. I peel the note off and stick it in the corner of my desk, shaking my head all the while. I sit down and mentally prepare myself for another few hours of staring at nothing other than my computer screen. However, I’m appalled to find another sticky note obscuring my screen, with the words “It’ll take less than a minute to explain, I swear. Just listen to me.” written on it.

I look around again, but I can’t see anyone hiding behind the cubicle walls or under my desk. How on Earth are they doing this? Rolling my eyes, I rip the note away and stick it with the other one. I’m not going to let some stupid prank distract me from doing what needs to be done.

Half an hour goes by, and I’m starting to believe that the pranker has gotten the hint and left me alone. I go to take a sip from my water bottle, only to find yet another note, saying, “He’s coming! You have to get out of here!”

I huff, ball it up, and toss it toward the trash can. It flies in perfectly. This time the note did seem to hold a bit of truth, as a few minutes later, the boss walks in. He’s a burly man, with a handlebar mustache and graying hair. He looks as if he’s never learned how to smile.

The office ignores him. I do my best to do the same, but it’s hard to continue with my work when I can feel his eyes staring daggers at me. He grunts, and I look up at him. He gestures for me to follow him out of the room. I stand, and with one involuntary glance at the sticky notes still sitting in the corner of my desk, I go after him.

Instead of being led to his personal office, we end up in an empty corridor at the back of the building. It’s empty and stark, reminding me of a warehouse or a hospital. There’s only one thing of color in the whole hallway, and that would be the bright yellow Post-It note on the boss’s back.

“I warned you,” it says. My eyes trail down to the boss’s hands. I could’ve sworn his nails had grown since we left the main office. They’re the longest and sharpest nails I’ve ever seen… almost like claws…

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