The story of a broken man.

He glared at the ceiling caught up in his mind.

He didn't know how he had ever become this blind.

It started with a smile.

And quickly grew from there.

He said he'd always love her.

And she said she'd always care.

And through no fault of hers,

He felt love no more.

For his thoughts Corrupted him by the hours,

And his heart was now a closed door.

And yet he stayed.

Because he knew it wasn't fare.

So he pretended day by day.

Until tonight when those thoughts would finally flare.

And what he did next would forever change his life.

The last thing he told her was that he loved her and good night.

She found him in the morning hand still holding that knife.

And she cried when she saw his body framed by the morning light.

And on his gravestone, there was a simple phrase.

One that would haunt her for the rest of her days.

His headstone said this.

In small white letters.

A reminder to everyone of what he had to wether.

"Lost in the fog

Alone in the deep

Bound by a promise

That he couldn't keep."

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