Equilibrium Of Night And Day

Swathes of golden ribbon striate the sky, weaving through silken threads of meandering purple,

Soon, when those blooms of tiger lily orange fade away, the deep hues of night will descend,

Like the slowly closing lids of tired eyes, darkness will fall, extinguishing the essence of day.

But for now, in this humble in between, day and night serenade each other for a while,

Basking in the fleetingness of each other’s light.

If I were to reach my own fingers downward, into the honey pot of rippling clouds and churning skies,

My hands would slice right through the buttery heavens, warm and sweet with the last of the suns rays.

I imagined this feeling now, closed my eyes and oozed into navy and orange pools,

Even as I dozed off to sleep, pulled into this slow change of day, the heavens pressed their mouths to my ears and whispered:

“Stay for while and let us delight you”

And so I would,

I would stay long after the branching color in the skies fizzled and defused,

Until the sun dipped down underneath my feet, the moon tipping over my head.

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