Love Letter By Lilly

Lilly loves laying rose petals in her bath before bedtime. She lights candles, sets the mood just right. Soft jazz fills the air as she unwinds from work waving her toes in the warm water and a glass of wine in her hand.

She pushes out any unpleasant thoughts and smiles as her mind wanders to all the things that bring her joy: her students laughter over silly words, her mom’s freshly baked bread pudding, hiking new trails on familiar mountains, savoring a new cozy romance novel while enjoying a piece of toffee.

Lilly’s one goal during her nightly ritual? Total relaxation. Tonight, she has an additional goal: write a love letter.

“Alexa, write a note,” Lilly says, curling her toes and allowing her body to sink further into the welcoming water.

“All right, what’s the note?” The robot responds.

“Dear David,” Lilly closes her eyes and day dreams about David’s strong hands on the small of her back. She remembers how smooth her name rolls off his tongue and how she froze when he shared that he had feelings for her a few months ago.

“I’m sorry it took me this long to write. I didn’t realize then, that I wouldn’t see you again. Finding the precise words are hard for me in person and I hope you don’t mind a written letter. The truth is I miss you and hope it’s not too late to continue the conversation you started.”

Lily felt full of hope. Was six months too long to pick up where they left off? She wasn’t ready then, but she is ready now.

“Alexa, send note.”

“Who do you want to send the note to?” The robot asked.


“Note sent.”

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