With the night comes darkness, but also stars.
Write a poem inspired by, or containing this line.
**With the night comes darkness but also stars**
**Close your eyes:is it dark or black?**
Both hold scars like the battle of wars,
**Do they lead forward, or pull you back?**
**All those millions of stars **
They pulse like blessings unseen
**All those millions of scars **
They haunt where innocence has been.
**Soon the day is dark too**
**Only difference? No stars. **
Step back, take a clearer view
Each shadow writes the memoirs.
Too many storms rage inside,
Which path should you take?
**It’s too late to run or hide-**
**There’s far too much at stake.**
**There’s no time to turn back**
**So take only the lessons. **
**With the night comes the black**
But the stars are your blessings.