Write a short, light-hearted story about a day in the office in a world where everyone is born with wings.

What problems might this cause, and what solutions could it provide?

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Cassie absolutely loved the fact that sitting in highway traffic was one less issue of concern, but Chicago’s winters were absolutely brutal. While she knew that she could still drive to work, she absolutely despised heavy traffic and the high gas prices associated with driving more than cold winters, so to work she flew. By the time she made it into the office, her wings were frozen solid with ice. It would often take 4 cups of piping hot coffee for her to defrost and refocus.

Cassie was not really a morning person and needed time to just regroup, utter positive affirmations under her breath, and stare at her computer monitor for the first 30 minutes of the day, but Bob from the marketing department made it nearly impossible.

You see, Bob was definitely a morning person and the office prankster. He saw mornings as a great time to hide Cassie’s office supplies in weird places, including inside the ceiling tile. He also knew that she wasn’t much of a morning person and would secretly watch her daydream, stare off into space, and sip coffee. He’d take a quick picture and email it to her. He thought it was hilarious! Cassie, not so much. She thought that Bob could be super annoying at times but she’d never tell him that. She knew about his crush on her so she’d simply grit her teeth and muster up the best giggle possible. After all, she wanted to continue to live up to her reputation as an angel. She wanted that promotion and pay raise recently posted within the marketing department. If she revealed her true feelings about Bob’s antics, who was also absolutely adored by the CEO, in addition to being related to the CEO, her reputation would take a hit and she’d be known as a witch and lose her chance to get that promotion. For now, she’d simply deal with it. At least she didn’t have to deal with traffic and pay outrageous prices for gas. It’s the simple things. Cassie found comfort in those thoughts as she searched for her hole puncher, scissors, and stapler.

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