Plane Disturbance

John settled into his seat on the plane, he couldn't help but notice the person sitting next to them. The passenger seemed nice enough at first glance, but it didn't take long for the woman’s annoying habits to become apparent.

First and foremost, the woman had an incessant need to fidget and fiddle with everything around them. She would tap her fingers on the tray table, jiggle her leg unconsciously, and constantly adjust her seatbelt. These constant movements created a distracting and restless atmosphere, making it hard for John to relax.

To add to John’s annoyance, the woman had a habit of speaking loudly and excessively. Her conversations with other passengers nearby showed how she was incapable of maintaining a moderate volume. This not only disrupted the peaceful environment of the plane but also invaded the John’s personal space, as he was forced to overhear unnecessary details of the passenger's life.

Furthermore, the woman had no qualms about reclining her seat back to its fullest extent. With each sudden recline, those behind her found themselves crammed and uncomfortable, with even less space to move. It was as if the passenger had no regard for the limited legroom on the plane or the comfort of those around them.

To top it all off, the woman had a peculiar habit of constantly rummaging through their bag, creating a continuous rustling noise. They would dig through various items, seemingly searching for something specific, only to conclude that it was in a perfectly accessible location. This repetitive and unnecessary sound only served to exacerbate the John's growing irritation.

These irritating habits would make for a long and far-from-relaxing journey. John, however, stayed silent. He said nothing. He didn’t even glare at the woman. He was too polite.

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