Errands Gent

Another day another task. I buttoned my shirt up to the collar and slipped on some black slacks. After a couple tucks of the shirt I buttoned my pants and slipped on a belt. A quick look in the mirror to make sure everything laid flat. Feeling satisfied with my look I grabbed my backpack and was off. There was a message on my phone. It had just come in. Being an errands gent meant undergoing tasks that were best suited for me. Things only I could take care of because of my expertise. I handled most errands with ease, however, there were some that were met with resistance despite the simplicity of the task. Not everyone understood the roll of an errands gent and thought we were just a stain on humanity. Ruining the sanctity of good honest work, but I valued my work. My position in life was one of substance and I shouldn’t let people who don’t understand stop me from doing what I did best.

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