Would the toddlers have their own special 'toddler currency'?

Two Stickers… And A Button?

(A world run by toddlers)

Choo Choo Cash:

Four types:

Type 1: Binky Buck;

- Binkies are the highest form of money, the more rare the more it’s worth.

- Gold star stickers are the middle form of money. Usually 3 gold stars is worth one of the most commons binkies

- Animal crackers, fruit snacks, and free juice box coupons are the lowest form. 5 free juice box coupons are also worth a low level binkie.

Type 2: Two stickers for a button;

- You can choose what you want to trade.

- One toddler might want to trade 3 fruit snacks for one animal cracker

-One toddler might want to trade a toy car for three full packs of fruit snacks

Type 3: Waaaahh!!!

-You get Waaahhh!!! Coins for good behavior or jobs(such as once a week the president gets 4 waaaaahhh!!! Coins for doing her job).

-You can buy things like more playtime, story time for government hired caretaker. First pick of toys, being carried instead of walking, Ect. .

-If you throw a tantrum doing work you can get a timeout and -1 to 3 Waaaahhh! Coin

Type 4: Stickers

- Stickers are money

-Normal is worth the least

-Gold is the middle standard

-Holographic Stickers are worth the most

(Based on where you live you will have different systems and extra things but this is the main system.)

Watch out for:

- Binkie and sticker smugglers. (If caught smuggling you will get reset to rank 0, and go to toddler lock up. Then a jury will decide what punishment you have such as more chores.)

- Jolly Rancher dealers. (If you are caught dealing or buying or even having, you will go to toddler lock up and your rank is reset to 3. You also have extra chores for a month.)

- Sticker loans. (If you owe stickers to the bank you must repay them within four months or do small payments over time.)

- Bank robberies. (Occasionally people will try and rob the vaults for stickers. The bank workers will make sure your stickers are safe. If you rob a bank or try to you get sent to long lock up. This means you won’t get no play time, or other rewards and you will always be watched by a government assigned official.)

- Big Kid Attacks. (Though we haven’t had one in a while, we never know when the next attack will happen. We are taking precautions, as if you lived near their territory you have been evacuated and are living rent free. As we are very sorry you can’t be in your homes at the moment, One time their leader stayed up till 10:00 pm!!!! To protect yourself from them I recommend taking our beginner Dirt butting and pillow fighting techniques.)

Court Facts You Need to Know:

- Smaller cases (like a stolen juice box coupon) lead to court.

- Judges: 2 level 1 ranked, and 4 level 10 ranked.

- Defense: You can defend your self with your pictures and words.

- Language needed: Babble is one of the strongest language used in court.


- If you don’t get a government signed no lie your rank is 0

- The ranks go from one to ten, Regular binkies are currency’s these are ranks

-You can get better ranks by working, being kind and doing toddlers things

-The president and prime minister must weekly update rankings, yours won’t always change at ranks as only worthy will.(Such as doing something big like when Miss “Juice Wiggles” sold so much juice she went from rank 7 to 10!)

- The higher your rating the more perks you get, Like rating 4’s they would get 5 extra minutes at recess if so requested. While 10’s would get gold binkies and first nap pick.

- During elections you can only vote for rank 6+ toddlers.

- During toddler academy the first three classes are only for rank 8+ toddlers. The last three classes are only for rank 5+ toddlers.


- Next year we will have are toddler election for president and prime minister.

- Speeches will be given during mandatory first recess. Though remember second recess is optional.

-Any tantrums at the voting station or election announcement will have the same punishment as counterfeiters instead of the normal tantrum tax.

-Election rules: Right down your vote on your sparkle voter page and put it in the box. You only get one a year. If you keep more you will be put at toddler lock up and get reset to rank 1.

Toddler Acadamey:

- Another way to get Waaaaahhhhh!!! Coins is going to toddler academy

- The teachers are 10 year olds who earn Waaaahhh!!! Coins for doing there job

-You will have 6 classes a day, The first class is a class on learning snack negotiations, The second class is on government things, The third class is on proper tantrum technique and when and where to do it, The fourth class is on history about past rulers, The fifth class is on recess etiquette, The last class is on juice sharing ethics

- The teachers will choose a few students to send to 3 honors classes instead. Instead of snack negotiations (which you only have to be rank 5+ if you go to honors) you would have rare binkies and binky trades. Instead of recess etiquette (which you still have to be 5+ rank for both for honors and normal) you would have Real words(This is not considered a language as only the smartes of the smarts get to learn it). Lastly instead of proper tantrum techniques(You still need to be rank 5+ but normally you need to be rank 8+ for the normal class) you would have ancient battle cries.

The big the festivals! :

1. Binky Bash

The binky Bash is for under 5 ranked. Once a year the government will invite under 5 ranked toddlers and they will dump binkies, as many as u can carry or put in your pockets or coat or whatever is what you can keep.

2. Spoolsh Bash

The Sploosh Bash is for under 10 ranked. You try and spill the least amount of juice. Whoever spills the least amount wins. Whoever wins gets a rank up.

3. Jump up

Recess is extended and nap time is skipped. You get extra time to play without having naps. This week tantrum tax does not happen, because no naps usually makes for cranky toddlers.


- Stroller taxis driven by 4 year olds and up. This pays Waaaaahhh!!! Coins

-There is also a tricycle highway. No running aloud!


-The nap force is the army, they protect us from the rival toddlers

-They are trained in pillow fighting and in dirty bites. They will protect us

-There are rebellious 5-7 year olds, they will pick you up, take your snacks, and still your sticker sheets. Be careful

-The big kid territory(ruled by rebellious 5-7 year olds.(we have the good ones) is refusing to accept our trade for peace. We must prepare for war. We have evacuated the nearby area.(We think their end goal is to take over rule and make toddlers no longer rulers!)


-Babble: the official toddler language. Used only in court, government meetings and fancy events. 8+ ranked are taught this, while others pick up little bits.

-Gibberish: a casual language most toddlers should now. Used only playground and in normal life.

-Squealish: The official battle language. Used to confuse and disorient the enemy. The nap force war cry.

-5-7 year olds use their own language. They can also speak gibberish tho. So it’s not too hard to communicate.


-The Juice Report: A news show reporting on big events, crimes, and warnings. Most older toddlers enjoy watching this in the morning.

-Napflix: A streaming service with The Great Nap. Juice tasting. And more.

Jobs fore hire! :

- Snack inspectors: Taste juice and fruit snacks to make sure they are counter fitted.

- Sticker Collecters: Bank workers, they help store you stickers and keep out bank robbers.

- Stroller walkers: for 4 year olds, to walk stroller taxis.

- Juice taster: Tastes juice for good level and to test which cause effects and if it should be used in medicine or should be illegal.

- Napper: Rank 9+ test out different napping areas to find the best.


-If you fall of the slide don’t be scared, boo boo care is coming there

-Boo Boo Care is ranked 7+ and age 3+, who take care of the injured

-Bigger things like broken bones will be cured by drinking special medicine juices. It is illegal to have them without a prescription

Illegal Juices:

- If you get caught with these you will go to toddler lock up be demoted to level 1 and get double nap time for 2 weeks.

- Orange-Pinapple: This juice causes extreme hyperactivity and hallucinations.

- Grape-Lime: This juice causes extreme understanding and fatigue.

- Blue Raspberry: This juice causes extreme aggression, and biting tendencies.

- These aren’t all, more will be added(TO BE CONTINUED)

- As promised more illegal juice flavors:

- Strawberry-Mango: It makes you fly but it causes you to think up is down, downing up, left is right, and right is left.

- Orange-Apple: Turns sour kids sweet, and sweet kids sour. But makes you very nauseous.

Most Wanted:

- Sticker Stealer Silver: She has pulled off a giant smuggling business getting illegal silver stickers. If you know anything about her whereabouts please let a government official know.

- Large Lover: An older toddler who has been stealing binkies with hearts on them. If you know anything about his whereabouts you please let a government official know.

- Jumpy Juliey: She has been smuggling an illegal green apple juices that give you the ability to jump really high but you get really dizzy.

Rare Binkies:

- Mystical Heart: A heart binky where the heart is a holographic color with gold sparkles. Only 3 were ever made. We don’t know the owners of these binkies but it could be worth 3000 stickers!!!

- Lobster: A binky with a lobster on it. Said to be used by Sir Wobbliton: The first ever toddler to learn how to walk! We don’t know the owners of it but it could be worth 300 holographic stickers!

- Crown: A binky with a sparkly crown on it. Said to be used by the first ever toddler ruler: Queen Tantrum. We don’t know the true owner of it but it could be worth 700 holographic stickers.

Rare juices:

- Lemon-Lime: This juice was only made for a week, but it was so loved production stopped. There is maybe 4-10 still out there. They are super sour but are rumored to be the best juice in history. It doesn’t give affects so it isn’t illegal just rare.

- Watermelon: An almost unheard of flavor from a century ago, said to be invented by the baby who invented scooting on the hug! Sir Scooter Tush! After his passing we stopped making it as no one but him knew the recipe. Only about 2 should remain.

- Pineapple-Cherry: Back in the 1800’s it was very popular, then the great juice depression hit. All juices started becoming harder to make and even harder to get. This juice was lost forever after the last batch was stolen, said to be passed down generation by generation rumored 20 to be left.

The Golden sippy:

- The golden sippy rumored to be owned by the first toddler to find a healing juice used for medicine. It was also said the juice was made in this cup. We don’t know if it even exists. Real or not.. it is famous.

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