“I’m starting to think that you might know more about me than you let on.”

He gave a broad smile that showed too many teeth.

“Have you not considered that I do indeed know everything about you?”

Unequal exchanges are common in horror and thriller stories – if one character knows more than another, there is much at stake. Include this exchange in a story.


Let the records show that Rhian Archer did not like her History teacher.

Mr Delarosa was extremely creepy, particularly towards her and classmate Snow Wilder. To the rest of the class, it appeared that Snow could not give less of a damn, which made sense. That kid didn’t care about anyone. But it made Rhian feel all wrong, like she was caught in some kind of lie.

She hated lying.

Snow, however, always seemed to be a bit more than merely indifferent. They were hardly subtle about watching Mr Delarosa, and often Rhian herself.

Rhian prided herself on being a person who struggled to hate many people. Mr Delarosa was on her four person list. Snow might make it to fifth if they continued watching her, though.

Still, when the teacher called for Snow to stay after class one lesson, Rhian convinced her friend Ettie Redwin to eavesdrop on them with her.

“This is stupid, Ree.”

“I’m worried,” Rhian whispered, leaning closer to the door. She could see Mr Delarosa’s face, and he looked positively menacing.

“Sir, what did you want to speak to me about?”

“Have you given up on finding August yet?”

Ettie flinched beside her, and Rhian kicked her ankle hard. “Careful.”


“Not a chance.” Snow’s voice was venomous, and Rhian could clearly picture the expression present on their face.

“Do you even have an idea what happened to her?”

“I don’t even know if she’s alive, but if I find a body it’ll be better than nothing.”

“And how about Dove?”

Rhian knew that Dove was Snow’s younger sister — had met the girl herself — but also knew that Dove Wilder didn’t have Mr Delarosa. She never had.

“Weird,” Ettie murmured.

“She’s fine.”

They didn’t seem particularly worried.

“And… hm, how far along is your mother now?”

“Do you know, sir, that none of this links to History?” Snow’s voice was deceptively calm, as if this whole situation wasn’t creepy as all hell. “Can I leave?”

“Not a chance.”

Now Ettie went pale, her skin almost the same colour as Snow’s hair. Rhian watched Mr Delarosa’s face carefully, trying to work out what he was thinking.

“How bad would it hurt if I were to… hm, kill her?”




“It wouldn’t hurt me. You’re asking the wrong person.”

“It wouldn’t hurt you to lose another sibling? Or is it two? Three? Forgive me, Wilder, I don’t recall the exact details about your family.”

“I’m starting to think that you might know more about me than you’re letting on.” The sarcasm was heavy in their voice.

Mr Delarosa gave a broad smile, showing far too many teeth. Ettie sucked in a breath, two-colour eyes wide open in shock. Rhian imagined her own expression looked very similar.

“Have you not considered that I do indeed know everything about you? Your family? Even the whereabouts of your poor, lost sister?”

Snow did not really care about their family. Or their classmates. Everyone knew that.

But at the teacher’s words, they tensed up.

“What did you do? Where is she?”

“Oh, right outside that door. She’s been listening in for a while now.”

Rhian grabbed Ettie’s wrist in a death grip, finding herself frozen.

Snow turned their back to Mr Delarosa, eyes the colour of a frozen lake locking onto Rhian’s for a brief moment. Then an arm was hooked around their neck, and Ettie jerked her to the side.

“Run,” she hissed. “We have to go, now.”

And the friends ran.

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