Your character discovers that the person they've been married to for a decade won the lottery last year, but didn't tell them about it.


I slid my hand into the mailbox and pulled out a small stack of paper. I flipped through plain white envelope with a presorted stamp in the corner until I came across one addressed to Jim. New Stanton Bank. I had never heard of this bank, so I opened it to make sure it was junk before tossing it with the others. I slid my finger under the flap and dissected it until I could pull out it’s insides. Statement read in bold letters and as I scanned the page, my eyes caught on the balance. Over $500,000 was in an account in just my husbands name. I tried to make the surprise go away, but he had just said that we could not afford vacation. She had been more diligent in making sure she bought groceries when there was a sale, she painted her own nails and her roots were outgrown. Her underarms felt moist. Her head seemed to spin like a top upon her shoulders. She shuffled the paper into a stack and abruptly walked towards the house. This must be a mistake.
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