You never believed in astrology, until your horoscopes started getting incredibly specific, and always coming true...

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Destined To Die

I sit awake for days on end reading my horoscope. I thought astrology was a generalization that could be applied to any individual, but how wrong I was indeed! The predictions arise one by one; each are oddly specific and designed for me. For the first time in my life, I feel prepared for what the world may throw at me. How would I have survived my failed marriage, if the stars had not informed me beforehand? My wife had claimed I was unstable with my “irrational” accusations, yet look where we fell! She is gone and destiny has been fulfilled! I hold my tarot cards to my chest for comfort as I embrace the journey into my future. I wonder what the next chapter of my life will look like? Will it be filled with fortunate or a new love? I flip over the card and I feel the air being torn from my lungs as I stare at the card. It is decorated with the dark skeleton which rides a pale horse. Death. I look around for imminent danger. I see nothing but I feel the cards are right. Of course they are right! I begin to weep because I know what I must do. If death must claim me then it will not be as a thief in the night. No, I will present myself to him, prepared and ready. So I end my life.

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