My grandmother always told me…

Write a poem which begins with this line.

Grandma Always Told Me

Grandma always told me, great stories from her past

Of how she had to struggle, to make the produce last

Of how she relied on her children, to take care of each other

Of how one of my aunties, was like a second mother

Of how she suffered prejudice, because of the browness of her skin

Of how she converted Grandpa, and got the blame again

Of how she suffered through it, with the help of neighbors and friends

Of how she did not know, if she could do it all again

Of how she raised her children, to be stalwarts of their communities

Of how she did the best she could, to ensure they'd have unity

Of how she fished with Grandpa, and with him farmed the land

Of how she met the needs, of everyone's demand

Yes, Grandma told me stories, I wish I wrote them all

As it is, I have recollections, and tidbits I can recall.

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