Write a story where the female main character proposes to their partner.
The leap day is traditionally associated with the woman asking their partner's hand in marriage. Think about the beliefs of the characters; do they make the most of the day or do they believe the tradition is outdated?
Not the norm...
We had been dating for four years, and still going strong! I thought that, I mean he hasn’t yet, but it could be, just maybe, a sorta ish good time to, well kinda propose. I mean I love him and he loves me. I have to admit I was kinda nervous, it’s not the norm for a girl to propose to a guy, and I don’t know how he’ll take it! I just want everything to be perfect! First we’re going out to dinner, then to the park ware we first met, it will be incredibly romantic! It’ll be dark and stars will be out and that’s when I’ll propose! I have jitters up my spine just thinking about it. But I wouldn’t bail out no matter what happens. So I got ready, in a nice purple dress and a French braid, but with a black sweater to hide the ring box. He picked me up at exactly 6:45 and we set off to the restaurant. We got there and... oh god, we didn’t have a reservation. A little disappointed we went back to the car and instead drove to McDonalds. I know not that romantic but we talked and laughed while eating our happy meals. But that wasn’t the worst part, the park we had met at, was now a adoption for dogs. It was a great cause just, terrible location. We both loved dogs so we thought we might as well go in. I have to admit all the animals were adorable but only one really got our eyes. It was small brown and white golden retriever. It was definitely a mix of who knows how many breads but it clearly had the golden retriever body. He was a healthy one year old, male,abandoned by its owner at the park, apparently many other dogs had been left there too. But he saw how much I loved the dog and he got it for me! Meet Kota are new addition to the family! We walked him out and around the streets until we came a crossed a dog park. We let Kota run around and we sat on a bench. It was cloudy, are stomachs were messed up, and we were sitting in a dog park, but I still got down on one knee and asked him. And he said yes!
Remember never think you can’t do something if not many people have done it. Are greatest history has been made by people breaking rules, acting like fools! Always be yourself my dreamers! 🧩