Write a series of five Haiku set at the same event, exploring the five senses: sight, smell, sound, touch, taste.
A Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry, consisting of three lines that generally do not rhyme, with a syllabic structure of 5-7-5.
Another Expert From A Broken Soldiers Diary
All I see is red before me. A red so deep I could sink into it.
Smell. The smell of death, rotting bodies around me and no exit from them.
The bitter - sweet taste of blood invades my mouth, finding shelter under my tongue and on my lips.
Silence. I cant even hear the rustling of leaves.
I hold the hand of my dead best friend, her motionless body lying pavement. And a thousand others next to hers.
10 years later
After all these years I still feel dirty.
Dirty and marked with the blood of my dead companions and how I could’ve saved them.
And how in the end I didn’t.
- Excpert from the diary’s of a broken soldier.
Authors note:
After I read shatter me, I just thought about making little experts from diary’s and it actually really fun 😀. Hope you enjoyed the poem/text!