Your character burried something out in the woods. Today they have to tell someone...

The Sinister Secret!

Today is the day! I have to come clean I can’t keep carrying this around! It’s been 12 yrs! Someone has to realize something! But who could I tell! My husband won’t understand! My sister might turn me in. I don’t have any choice left I’m going to tell my best friend what I have done and what is Burried in the woods I hope she forgives me!

My name is Lilly and I’m going to tell you my story! My daughter was killed 12 years ago and I can’t seem to move on from her death! Today is her birthday she would have been 16! I’m a single mother or I was a single mother and growing up my daughter had everything she could have ever wanted! So who could have done this to my baby! The cops haven’t been able to find any clues or evidence to what or who could have caused her death! They have interviewed everyone around the neighborhood no one has seen or heard anything! It’s a small town so someone had to know something right? If it wasn’t for my best friend Amy I don’t know how I would have survived this long!


I don’t know how to tell my best friend of thirty years that I killed her one and only child!

12 years ago I was at home waiting for my husband to get off work. I’ve been calling and texting him but he wasn’t answering so I assumed he was out cheating again. I called one of my Ex lovers over for drinks. I needed to clear my head and I never had any intentions of cheating on my husband . Me and my ex was both drunk and one thing lead to another and I was kissing him and then I began taking his clothes off! That’s when I heard Lilly’s daughter ask “Mrs Amy what are you doing”? Afraid of what she had seen I’ve made up some stupid lie thinking she’d believe me! But she didn’t! Lilly’s daughter brought back the broom and mop I’d let her mom burrow but why did it have to be tonight! Is she gonna tell my husband what she saw!


I miss my baby girl so much! I sit in here room almost everyday and just mourn this isn’t right! My baby should still be here! I walk into the kitchen to make some coffee, it’s the only thing that keeps me going! I look over into my best friends yard it’s so nice to have her live across the street! Amy had always been there for me! It’s such a shame her and her husband never had kids! She was so good with my baby girl Anna! And she loved her like her own! Amy was actually the only one who helped me raised her and when Anna’s dad left the night she was born! I was scared and alone in the hospital wondering what I was gonna do! Amy looked up and said” don’t worry our baby girl will always be looked after”! I loved amy so much for helping me raise my daughter!


I looked up from planting my flowers to see my best friend Lilly watching from her kitchen window. God seeing her face makes me wanna vomit not because I don’t like her but because I killed get daughter! I wait for my husband to get home before I tell him I need to go talk to Lilly! He’s drunk so it’s not like he’s gonna care anyways! As I walk across the street to my best friends house I can’t help but wonder or think how is she gonna take the news! Lilly has always been a good, strong, beautiful woman so what I did is weighing on me! How could I kill her daughter! As I knock on Lilly’s door filled with regret and fear I hope she has the heart to forgive me! Lilly opens the door her face lights up “ hey Amy I’ve missed you” hey Lilly I’ve missed you too! We gotta talk!


As I open the door for my best friend I can tell something is bothering her! I feel for her but what can be worse the your daughter being killed! Let’s go into the kitchen I just made fresh coffee I told Amy! “ Lilly amy says I need to tell you something “ playing with her necklace! Amy you can tell me anything. I’m your best friend. “ Lilly do you remember the night Anna brought back the broom and mop I’ve let y’all burrow?” Oh yeah Anna told me that she think she scared you because you were watching a movie and when she called your name you jumped! “ yeah um about that Anna lied I wasn’t watching a movie! I was cheating on my husband!


That’s none of our business amy and I’m sure Anna wouldn’t have said anything! Lilly said! “ we’ll she did Lilly and my husband beat me for the longest time because of it! “ so you know what I did” Amy your scaring me what’s wrong Lilly asked her voice shaking! “ I killed Anna “! I killed your only child Lilly someone told my husband and I wanted Revenge! Your daughter is burried in the woods behind my house! Lilly’s face turns pale white and she faints!


My face is wet and someone is throwing water on me! When I come to I yell at Amy crying “ how could you kill my baby” I’m sorry Lilly I couldn’t risk losing my husband! “ it’s been 12 years you’ve kept this secret for 12 years knowing I cry everyday! I reach for my phone and I dail 911! When the cops arrived I tell them everything Amy tells me and she admits to everything! This is the last I’ve heard from Amy and I moved out of that small town! I went to live with my mother!

I’ve been in jail for over 15 months! They have given me life! I honestly can’t blame them I’ve kept a secret for 12 years! I’ve wrote Lilly everyday I hope that one day my friend can forgive me! But until then I’ll be spending my days in prison! Just always remember what you hid in the woods will eventually catch up with you!

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