Write a poem on any topic you like using slant rhyme.
Slant rhyme is where two words sound very similar, but do not exactly rhyme. For example: soon/gloom, cloud/doubt.
The Queen Has Teeth
I am the court jester,
Bleeding laughter—calcified eschar
Of despair. I grew weary dancing over the king’s hot coals
And listening to his woes:
Oh, the Queen
Used her teeth
To skin his manhood while it was still pulsating,
Fresh from the slaughter—as we were saving
The best for last.
He’s more sugar than he is cream;
Corrosion blacker than his morning coffee.
She runs herself a bath,
Lights candles to tune out the static.
I fill the throne’s void
With a shrill lyric to my voice
And the king takes me as his bride.
No one’s teeth are sharper than mine.