Submitted by Belle

If the ocean was red, would trees still be green? If my heart were blue, would I love you more than me?

Secret admire

That was the 10th note I found in my locker this month. Whoever was leaving them want to ketch my eye, and they did but whoever it was. That I could not figure out I hoped it was the cute guy from my art class but it was unlikely because he doesn’t even know that I exist.

”What are u doing standing at your locker the bell is going to ring,” someone says behind me making me jump back into reality. Turning around I look at jack well more like his chest because him being 6ft something and I being 5’5 in. I look up at his face and glare at him.

”why do you have to be so damn tall and don't sneak up on me like that”

”don't blame me for you being short and let's go we are going to be late for class and I don't want to get another detention from Mr. Kim”

”fine let's go,” I say to him grabbing my books I need shutting my locker, heading to class

”did you get another love note from your secret admirer,” he said with a grin

”yes, I just wish I could figure who it is I have no clue who it could be and it's making me mad yea know?” I say while we head to class not making eye contact with anybody but the floor leading my dumb self into a hard surface making me and all my stuff fall to the floor looking up to see what I hit I look I into the most breathtaking eyes I have ever seen.

”are you ok I am so sorry I should have been looking where I was going. do you need help up, can you stand?”

With that question, I stop my self from looking brain dead ”yeah I am fine” I get up from the ground dusting my self off and picking up my stuff from the ground. Looking back up finding mystery guy gone.

Who was he and why did he run off?
