“I’ve never met anyone like you before!”

“You should be grateful for that.”

Write a story that contains this section of dialogue. Think about who your characters are, and the nature of this exchange.


“I’ve never met anyone like you before.”

“You should be grateful for that.”

A pause.

“Doesn’t it make this just a little bit better to know that there’s not some other easy comparison to make reference to?”

He grinned.

She was a wistful one.

“I suppose so it does, yes.”

It’s not like he had anyone he *wanted* to compare this to, anyways. He simply wanted her to know that she seemed “other-ly”. Just a little bit odd, but not off in the slightest. Very fantastical; something straight out of a novel at times.

But it wasn’t off putting.

It was extraordinarily delightful.

From her perspective, he was rather marvelous himself.

It was intriguing to her how different people could make themselves when all she knew was the same five life-story options from the town she’d always lived in.

The best she had ever hoped for was to forever delve into alternative interests and be ostracized from the community at 30 years old.

So she had also never met anyone quite like him before. But that was never a question to her. It was true with each person she met, good or bad. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t spectacular, because he was.

“It is, really.”

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