Write a story that contains an introverted character.
They do not have to be the main character, but think about which personality traits they demonstrate that could relate to your plot, and drive your scene.
Kids Will Never Understand
Hello, my name is Brent Rockton
I am a college junior, 17 years old
I have the best grades in the class
However, that part is never told
The only thing that’s told about me
Is that I’m just the shy, nervous dork
I’m always kicked around all over school
Like an armless, legless piece of pork
I guess you can call me the outcast
But I honestly don’t care what you think
To me, being different from them is fun
And I’d honestly prefer not to grow, but shrink
For kids will never truly understand
The benefits of being quiet and to the side
They’re always loving and hanging out
Instead of swallowing their gigantic pride