In a dystopian setting where water is now a tightly controlled resource, write a short story about a character who lives under a hidden waterfall.

The 1%

I was placed into responsibility. I didn’t ask for this, but once the water restrictions were announced, I found my seemingly nomadic way of life to now be a priceless asset. I found this waterfall years ago, and with desire to get away from those who vexed me so, decided to stay.

Was I now responsible for protecting this waterfall for when things got worse? I could offer up the supply while the efforts continued to find other water sources. Then again, I had found this after being forced to relocate, to live my life away from those who judged me, those who no longer had enough water. If I offered to let them use my waterfall, where would I go? And where would that leave me for rations? I had more than enough now, and if I offered ti share, I would barley have enough to survive. I knew about the digestive issues, the constant headaches. I knew about the debts people carried from supplying their families with water.

I’ve earned this, and put myself in the 1% of people who had enough, and would not sacrifice everything that I had earned.

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