Write a Christmas story that contains an alternative character to Santa Claus.
If, like us, you think a magical old man visitng children under the cover of night, is creepy, then try to think of an alternative character that could be responsible for producing presents.
Joy’s Last Gift
I pulled my shawl tighter around me as the cold wind blew. The sun was already setting, but finding fresh pine cones was more important. I’d just found the seventh one when I heard Ma calling me back.
She chastised me as I rushed into the warm cabin. But I spied a smile on her face. Tonight was too important for lectures. I’d only get one more chance at it before my age betrayed me.
Slipping off my snow covered boots I rushed to the fire place and threw the pine cones in. The scent would attract the good spirit. And if I was lucky she’d gift me with a trip. My last before I came off age.
I rushed to my room. The time ticked slowly as I lay in my bed. Eyes closed. Lips moving in a wordless prayer. Please let me go again. Just one last time.
A giggle penetrated the air. And the scent of pine filled the room. I opened my eyes to see Joy. The girl was dressed in green. Her skin was a warm brown. And her voice was like music as she coaxed me from my body. My spirit was light as it floated next to my sleeping form. But I could feel that the tether was even stronger than last years.
“Have you been good?” The small girl asked as she circled me. “Shall I give you your last gift?”
As always, I couldn’t respond. But her smile brightened all the same. She took my hand and off we flew. Out of my room. Up the chimney. And into the cold night air.
I joined the other spirits of good children in my village. All of them danced with the snow swirling through the air. Below us creatures of shadow tried to snatch at our spirits. But evil could never fly as high as the innocent. And we remained safe as Joy led the remaining children out of harms way.
And soon it was time to journey to the land of the spirits. There was a glorious feast as spirits danced around a bonfire filled with pine cones. My nose delighted in the smell. My ears loved the music of the spirits. And my feet could not help but dance with them.
But I felt something tug at my heart. My limbs grew heavy. And my stomach throbbed. Suddenly Joy was at my side.
“Your time has ended.” She said with sparkling eyes. “How exciting.”
“But I don’t wish to grow old. I want to stay here.”
She tilted her head. “But you will join us again.”
I blinked at her. “I thought adults couldn’t come here.”
Joy giggled. “Of course not. Their spirits are tied to their bodies too well. But when your body weakens you shall join us again. Just as you have many times before. That is if you’ve been good of course.”
I looked at her. She seemed so happy. So certain that I’d join her. But below I could see the darkness reaching for me.
“But how do I resist the darkness?”
“Like you always have.” She touched my heart. “By finding your joy.”
Pain exploded through my abdomen. And I sat up in bed. I was surrounded by shadow, all of it reaching for me. Screaming, I clutched the covers to me. A wet spot greeted me and I stopped . Had I wet the bed?
Ma tore into my room, her candle making the shadows recede. She took one look at me and the dark red on my hands before flinging back the covers. I had indeed wet the bed. But it was a small splotch of red. Blood?
It was silent for a moment. Then Ma started laughing. All I could do was stare as the shadows fled. But why would she laugh?
“Finally, we’ll have an end to that superstitious behavior.” She clasped my shoulders. “From now on you are a woman and you shall not rely on a childish spirit.”
“But the shadows…”
She chuckled. “They’re weak to laughter, dear one. As long as you have joy in your heart they can’t harm you.”
I touched my chest. It was still warm from Joy’s touch. Looking down again I felt a giggle burst forth.
“I thought I was too old to wet the bed.”
Ma joined me in laughter. And our joy lit up the room. I’d be certain to use Joy’s last gift well.