Chain The Truth.

_The red hood fit perfectly._

_It didn't touch the floor, which was a good thing._

_The market was on fire _

_The little girl's hand held onto mine tight._

_I look at the poster on the wall_

_And it says in big bold words_

_"Knightly tournament"_

_I take the poster and stuff it in my pocket._

_I hear a high-pitched squealing pierced the loud and noisy market, come from right next to me. _

_I see Amara pointing at something. A dog, not just any dog a Doberman And a stray._


_"Can we keep her?" she asked her nanny._

_"You will have to ask your father about that."_

_"I want him."_

_"She is a nasty stray. You could get sick."_

_She crossed her arms._

_"Nauh! Besides, he would make a good surveillance dog."_

_"She is just a puppy."_

_Then I saw someone from the corner of my eye._

_My eyes make contact with his heterochromia eyes._



_ pushing through the crowd i race down the dark alley. I started sprinting down the alley but he is too far ahead. Reaching out my hand I grabbed his arm almost missing and he turned and looked at me. _

_My breathing came to short gasps but I look him in the eyes. I wonder if this was the same guy I knew and loved when I was a kid. _

_I take a deep breath. _

_"Samuel, where have you been?" He was wearing armor, was he a knight of Zodel?_

_"Do I know you?" _

_As I stared into the eyes of the person I once loved, every ounce of my affection melted into suspicion…_

_"We met Over 5 years ago? You disappeared! Is this where you have been all this time Sam?" _

_"5 years ago? We should talk about this some other time. " He tried to walk away and I let him As soon as I heard Amara shout._

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