Write a story about two people who hate each other discovering one important common interest that they share.
Think about how you can use this event to tell us something about these characters' personalities or lives.
“Jealous Kid”
Lacy and jack, had known each other for several years. They had gone to school together. They had never gotten along for jack was a real jackass. Lacy was a pretty girl the preppie kind , but she was alway confident in the things she liked to do.
The years had passed and they crossed each others paths. Hello Lacy , is that you. Yes it is you must be Jack. Ya. It’s been a long time since we have seen each other how you been. Oh Jack, does it really matter since you never liked me anyway. Well Lacy, I was very immature back then, I suppose I acted stupid because you were so pretty.
I can’t believe how the time has gone by look at you more gorgeous than ever.
So what have you been up too. You see I’m out of a job and I’m looking for a new Buisness that I can start up really, so am I.
I been working in sells now for several years and I just got laid off. Ya me too said Lacy, looks like we got something in common after all. Lacy, what kind of Buisness you been thinking about something in sales a hardware store maybe. That’s what I was thinking also really. Ya, we ought to go in together I have some money saved up. I don’t know Jack, we never got along in school. Jack laughed Lacy, I was just a young little punk that didn’t know how to treat a lady I have grown up now. I can see that and handsome too .
Well think about it, how about we discuss it over lunch on Wednesday I’ll treat. Sounds good here’s my number call me and we can meet ok thanks and later.
Jack could not believe he had asked Lacy to be his partner but he was very excited. I sure hope she excepts, although I was a real jerk towards her, maybe she’ll put it behind us.
When Lacy, got home she couldn’t stop thinking about Jack, he sure has changed he is very handsome she thought to herself to think he acted as if he hated me. Maybe it was because he really liked me she laughed. I sure hope he calls me to meet him.
It was Tuesday night and Jack called, but no answer. It went to voice mail. Hello Lacy, I hope you get this message, I will be waiting for you at Applebee’s tomorrow at 6 pm don’t be late. Lacy, missed the call on purpose to see what he would say. She thought to herself I will dress up real nice maybe he’ll notice. The next day she was on her way to Applebee’s, as she walked in there was Jack, at a booth he stood up and asked me to sit down. Lacy , you look so beautiful I sure was blind as a kid he laughed and so did she. Your to funny jack, the waitress came ove and brought them some menus. I’ll take water and lemon said Lacy, so will I said Jack. I’m not very hungry jack, can we share something sure that would be nice. Let’s just order an appetizer ok what ever you like.
Well before we decide to go into business together lacy , I want to ask you to be my girlfriend. The truth is I was a young kid that liked you , but did not know how to treat you, but now just know I will make up for my actions and treat you as my queen,
Really jack, how do I know your not just playing with my feelings. Well I’ll put all my saving on the line just to prove that I’m serious about you and the Buisness and more about you. I believe you Jack, I like you too , I will date you and we can plan on our Buisness together, what about a future together slow down jack not so fast she laughed but it could be negotiated later on. Ok, I’ll take a rain check on that. Do you have any ideal or a building we can rent or buy to get started.
You know jack, my uncle owns that hardware store on Main Street he closed it down several years ago when he retired,he told me that I could start my business there rent free for 6 months . Than we could buy the place if it making us money like it made him. He said that he was hoping someone in the family would take it over. I was looking at that building when I ran across you I didn’t know it belonged to your family. Well that’s a great start we still need Merchindise and lights and water. I’m in all the way.
As time went by jack and Lacy, feel in love and decided to get married there Buisness was going great and her uncle sold them the Buisness. A year and a half later Lacy got pregnant and jack asked her to stay home so he hired some help. They were both very happy together, to think how much they had accomplished in a short time after they didn’t like each other in school. Jack, was a proud father of a beautiful baby girl , he kept his word Lacy was his queen. One happy couple, one happy ending.
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