Dear Aaron

My dearest confidant, it is abundantly clear,

The depths of my affection for you, my dear.

When the phrase "I love you" does escape my lips,

It's not the pursuit of romance, but a bond that forever equips.

In the grand tableau of existence, you're my counterpart,

Woven into the fabric of my life, an inseparable part.

Each evening, as stars embellish the night's hue,

In the quiet chambers of my heart, I cherish you.

You, Aaron, my platonic soulmate, a radiant beacon afar,

Guiding me through life's maze, like the North Star.

A wellspring of hope, in the depths of my despair,

I recollect that tearful day when we both needed care.

Your forgiveness, wrapped in earnest concern,

Our friendship's resilience, an invaluable return.

While whispers of love may find their way to our ears,

Our union, platonic and pure, transcends all fears.

Embraces shared with you, my friend, hold special grace,

Outshining even my family's warm embrace.

With you, all my secrets find a trusted sanctuary,

In the tapestry of our shared memories, our story, a treasury.

Distance has oft severed bonds of friendship's call,

Yet with you, it's different, our connection stands tall.

Though never entwined in the same scholastic hall,

Our friendship defies geographical boundaries, an eternal thrall.

No shared bloodline binds us, no familial tether,

Fate's ethereal threads wove our paths together.

Though we didn't tread side by side in youthful years,

Our journey intertwined, overcoming time's frontiers.

Found family, a label that fits, beyond any doubt,

In this testament of affection, I unabashedly tout.

If ever I faced life's darkest hour, my plea,

You'd be my savior, in your embrace, I'd find the key.

In life's trials or in the shadows of guilt and blame,

I'd shoulder the burden to shield your name.

My love for you, brother, a force unforgot,

Fate's threads bind us, an unbreakable knot.

This love transcends words, a timeless refrain,

Though our blood may differ, our kinship will remain.

In my heart, you've forged an everlasting home,

This ode to our friendship, through ages, your legacy will forever roam.

Dear Aaron, I wonder if you'll ever read this, I want you to know we may brawl but you bring me out of my bore,

When life feels like a chore, with you, my dear friend, I adore.

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