The person your character loves the most confesses to doing something terrible that could destroy multiple lives.

What do they do?

Little Rock

Todays the 22nd and to most people that means nothing but to two best friends it’s the day they go to zoo and tell each other jokes or story’s or they just vent for a few hours. It’s Mona’s favorite place to go to forget for awhile she thinks it’s important to get out and get away from the business for awhile with work and social media and the hustle and bustle of the world around her. But for Rusty it’s the day he gets to spend with Mona he would do anything for her. She was breath taking she was bright and kind with a wild side. Strong and courageous with a laugh so loud but she was so soft and gentle when he needed it most. To him she was larger than life and he couldn’t take his eyes off her she was a hurricane. He loved Mona and she would never know it.

So how did we get here? Standing in the bathroom of Rusty’s apartment with the girl that he loves trying to scrub blood off her hands.

“Rusty I didn’t know what else to do” says Mona.

“I know I know try to relax while I come up with an idea” The man Mona killed was Ricardo Ricci and from the sounds of it he deserved it and if Mona didn’t do it Rusty would have.

Rusty couldn’t wrap his head around the idea of Mona getting tied up with a guy like that. He knows he should probably go to the cops but Ricardo was the son of the most feared man in the city Damon Ricci and he’s probably got the entire police department on his payroll.

“Rusty what am I going to do?” There was a certain emptiness behind Mona’s eyes until this point the shock of the night is wearing off and panic is starting to set in.

“What did I do what the fuck did I do!” She breathes.

“He’s going to kill my family, he’s going to kill everyone I love best case scenario he has me killed and maybe I deserve that but what about… what about you OH MY GOD!! He’ll have you killed I can’t.. I can’t…” Mona’s rambling and she’s starting to hyperventilate little does Rusty know he’s the most important person in Mona’s world.

“Mona.. Mona listen to me, calm down you need to stay calm so we can figure this out..” Rusty puts his hand on her shoulders gently but firm enough to ground her. “You’re going to get in the shower and try to relax I’m going to get rid of your clothes and we are going to..”

“We! Wait you had nothing to do with this.. oh God I’m so sorry I came I shouldn’t have gotten you involved, I.. I have to go I have to get out of here.. I’m sorry.” Mona cut him off.

“Mona slow down! I’m glad you came to me just stay get a shower get I’ll get you some clothes. Even if you don’t stay the night you need to change your clothes you can’t walk the city like that.” Rusty wrapped her hand in his.

“Okay” she says.

“Okay?” Rusty says eyebrow raised.

“Yeah I’ll take a shower” she says flat but calmer the shakiness has left her voice.

“Cool thanks.. Uhh… I’ll go find you something to wear.”

While Rusty gets out sweats and a t shirt the reality is setting in. He knows he has to stay calm for her but this is really bad. He knows what he has to but he’s not sure she’ll go for it. The water turns off and he steadies his nerves.

Before he can think the words are coming out of his mouth.

“Mona you can’t stay here, we have to leave.”

Mona looks at him perplexed did he say “we”?

“I can’t ask you to leave everything behind for me it’s just that I…”

“Mona I would leave it all behind for you I have loved you for as long as I’ve known you and I..”


“Let me finish, I can’t imagine my life without you in it so I’m going to make sure I get you as far away from here as..”

“You love me?” Mona says

“Uhh yeah.. I always have. Now if you don’t that’s uh that’s okay but… Rusty stutters.

“I love you Rusty.”

“You do?” He can’t believe it.

“Always have” she says.

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