'They did not live a happily ever after, not by a mile.'
Create a 500-word story that ends with this line.
A Sorrowful Ever After (TW: Suicide)
It was the middle of October when she decided she would go through with it.
She wrote her goodbyes and left them on the coffee table for her mother to find, and left enough food for the cat to make it until then.
Outside, The sky was dark and the air grew bitter, and she didn’t know where she was going, all she knew at the time was that it had to be “away”.
It was the Middle of October he had decided to run away, and to escape from what others would call a home.
He left no letters, and had no pets, just a little brother who slept in the room down the hall.
The sky was peaceful to him, and he didn’t mind the cold. He never knew where he was going, and where he wanted to be, all he wanted was to “get away”
And no, it was never her intention for it to end this way, at the bottom of the Olion bridge only 5 miles from home. And it was never his intention to find her there, 7 miles from his. But then he did.
There she laid, lifeless, distorted and cold to the touch, and there he sat with her, tears streaming from empty eyes.
They had never new each-other before, but the boy had felt a connection, not one where he felt as if he had known her for years, but one where he knew what she had felt for years.
And he wondered what could have been, if they could have helped with each-others suffering if she had stayed alive. Then, he began to wonder what would happen if he didn’t.
The truth of this story is, they did not live a happily ever after, not by a mile.