Submitted by Aaron G. Wolfe
“You were the only reason, the only reason at all.”
Write a poem or story based on this line.
Why did it have to be you?
It was supposed to be just a normal Saturday. But it wasn’t. It never is. Why can’t I sleep in late, eat fatty food, watch tv until my eyes fall out. Why can’t I just laze around and block out the whole world for JUST ONE DAY! You really wanna know why I can’t do ANY of these amazing things. I’ll tell you why. IT’S YOU. ALL YOU. IT’S ALWAYS BEEN YOU. YOU ARE THE REASON I CAN’T DO ANY OF THESE...
Ahem... well I’m sorry about that. And yes I am EXTREMELY and UTTERLY INFURIATED with YOU. Just in case you didn’t already get that from up there. Well on that note, I’m going to tell you why it’s YOUR fault. Because you are IRRITATING, BLIND and OMG! F***ING STUPID!...
I keep...
doing this...
don’t I?...
just let me...
my breath...
a second...
or maybe...
a few mins...
Ahem. Well that’s much better cheers for letting me take a break for a while. I really needed that. And for the record I don’t usually curse. Not in stories anyway. Not that I’m saying this isn’t true because there’s this assumption that people have where all stories aren’t true and just ‘made up’. Yeah whatever! You don’t get a say in whether or not this story is true or not. I do. Because this is MY DAMN STORY NOT YOURS SO STOP TRYING TO TAKE CREDIT FOR MY ACHIEVEMENTS AND CREATIONS. YOU WANT TO FEEL SPECIAL... WELL TOO BAD YOU USELESS PIECE OF CRAP... oh my goodness I did it again. I am deeply and truly sorry. It’s just when I get angry or enraged I just rant for what seems like... well forever. But it’s not my fault. I can tell that straight through this screen your holding, you’re judging me and about to stop reading just to make me more vexed. Ha ha look I just used a word that you probably don’t know the meaning of. I bet your gonna go look that up now aren’t you? Yes that’s what I thought. Tee he I was right and you were wrong. OMG! Did I make you angry. NOW YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL. IT SUCKS DOESN’T IT. FEELING USELSS AND WRONG.
Anyway I’m going to begin to wrap this little story up now cause your boring me and I’ve never been this angry with someone in a while. Well maybe once. Twice. Three. Wait it’s four. Oh well you’ve made me angry. Now I’m going to say goodbye. But not that goodbye where you smile and wave and say it like you can’t wait to see them again. Ha ha no way. The one where you’re talking to your ex saying goodbye with that hair flick and those scowling eyes and possibly, quite possibly that finger. So that’s the goodbye I’m now doing for you. And just for you. Because...
You were the only reason, the only reason at all.