Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.
Strange Dreams
My favorite chaotic things are dreams. They have every right to be so jumbled and chaotic when the human mind is just as such. Shall I indulge in a story?
Suffice to say, I’ve never had a nice dream. It’s always been nightmares or vivid visuals with lingering uneasyness until it eventually goes away. My dreams are so disconcerting that most nights I have difficulty sleeping.
Just the other night I had a dream I was speaking to a raw piece of lamb. It was on a styrofoam that had plastic wrap on it. The lamb said that it couldn’t breath and so I used my thumb nail to cut a slit in the plastic. Nothing about this was not strange, and the lamb didn’t even have a mouth. It was more like a voice emmiting from it. The lamb began speaking to me in a very posh manner, and we were having a lovely time. But I couldn’t understand what the thing was saying. It sounded all too perfect to be words at all. I concentrated deeply, but in doing so I became more lost than before.
Then my front door collapsed and fell forward. A gust of wind sent chills down my spine, and snow came whipping through as well. Suddenly, I felt very cold, and looked to the lamb that was now quiet.
There was someone standing in the threshold of my door, a gangly shadowy figure that was not scared of. Its eyes were glowing and white, and it approached me steadily, but I did not see its legs moving. It stopped to look at me before gently picking up the frozen lamb thawing in the countertop. Maybe I said goodbye or asked the shadow not to hurt the lamb, but the shadow did not hesitate as it slowly began staggering out. And I didn’t try to go after the lamb either.
Without a doubt, there had to have been more to that dream, but I can’t recall anything else. The weird part about waking up was that my heartbeat was irregularly fast as if I had been scared. And the funniest part is that I don’t even like lamb.
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