Photo by Nick Scott @

Write a story set on this misty path.

The Path Less Traveled

_Each step took me further away. I walked the straight and narrow alone, my only sight l a misty path stretching ahead. Along the path, I saw every event of my life play out. The air was dense which didn’t phase me. My whole life consisted of gasping for oxygen almost dying from the lack of it. I always managed to regain air diving head first into my life. Truthfully, I intentionally hold my breathe pass my body’s signal to resurface for air. Its cold, too. Even though there’s no mirror in sight, I know my skin is pale; lifeless. If anyone passed by me on this path they could swear to have seen a ghost. I saw a coyote cross the trail and somewhere deep within me I felt a knowing it was a message. We locked eyes for a brief moment before it ran away. I felt my heart beat slow down and my breathe become shallow as I approached the end of the path. I took a few more steps watching my steps. When I looked up, I seen a seraphic figure floating in the distance. They shun bright with eyes all over its body. I was captivated. When we stood arm distance, I felt a bodily urge to release all control and reached for them. It spoke to me in an indescribably low melodic voice. Their mouth never moved but I heard the words. The being moved out of my way to gesture to continue on my path. I kept walking questioning my reality. I looked back and they were gone. By the time I turned back around, I arrived at a house with warm lighting. I seen all my loved ones from far and near smiling and appearing to be having a gathering. I stood outside the window staring at them basking the moment. I pressed my hand against the glass, drawn in by the warmth inside. But the laughter, the voices— they began to dissolve. In their place, only one figure remained. Me. Alone. Watching. Expressionless. The strangest part was… I didn’t seem notice myself staring back. Then the whisper, “Look back.” Everything faded to black. _

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