A Sister

Blue eyes, brown eyes.

Shorter, taller.

Brown hair, golden hair.

Competitive, not.

Diabetic, not.



Please dont leave, Piper.

Just dont.

If you leave, so will parts of my world.

Parts of me.

I will internally bleed.

I will internally break.

I will internally hurt.

I will internally sob.

I will internally crumble.

My world will crumble without you beside me.

Those silly handshakes we would make, then forget everything but the butt tap part months later.

Those moments we would yell, then next day be friends once more.

Yet not friends, best friends.

If you leave, my hearts strings will be torn.

Like a harp with no harpist to play, the strings soon breaking.

With time comes scars.

Please dont give me those scars.

Please dont leave.

Oh the days we would whisper about the boys you liked..

Oh the days we cried due to the irony of life..

You were there when he lost his eye.

You were there when I lost parts of my family.

You were there for the death of my beloved dog.

I was there when you were diagnosed.

I was there when you were diagnosed.. again.

I was there when you moved.

.. But I dont wanna be there to watch you move away from me again.

So please, dont leave me.

Dont leave our memories.

- Sincerely, your best friend

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