One Hundred Days

Day One:

Yesterday, I was going about my day as normal, exploring the planets on the outer reaches of our galaxy. Everything was fine until something hit my ship causing me to crash into the soft ground. While I tried to repair my ship, I was suddenly surrounded, captured, and taken to a strange location. Now I don't know what's happening. They've taken skin samples, blood samples, and more all without my consent because I can't understand them and they can't understand me. I'm terrified. I have no idea where I am. I'm stuck in some strange tube unable to move. I've been violated in more ways than I can count.

Day Ten:

They've taken more samples and continue trying to communicate. They've taken and tested everything I have because they claim to want to understand who I am and where I come from. I don't know how much longer I can hold out. I watched them activate my homing beacon six days ago which means someone should be coming for me. I'm losing hope faster than I thought I would.

Day Twenty-six:

I've discovered that I'm on the planet Earth in a location called Area 51. Because of my increased intellectual processing, I've been able to learn their language. Though I refuse to speak because I'm still scared. They continue taking samples from me without asking. I feel violated and insignificant. I wish someone would come save me.

Day Fifty-three:

I remembered something today. In our training for exploring the cosmos, we were always told to stay away from Earth. This explains why no one has come for me. I haven't eaten since I got here. My flesh is barely clinging to my bones. I've been drained of every bodily fluid. I don't understand their obsession with me. I look just like them and can breathe their air. I've given up hope of being saved. I've given up hope of getting out of here. I'm going to die here and there's nothing I can do about it.

Day One Hundred:

They've finally stopped testing me. I don't think they've gotten any answers that satisfy them. They've decided it's time to let me die and take me off of this fluid they'd been pumping into me to keep me alive. I've resigned to my passing. I just hope my family knows what happened to me.

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