
“Trust me, when you come here, never walk home alone.”

Hello, my name is Matt and I am one of the survivors of Madeline Mansion which many people, including myself call it the Monster Mansion and I am going to tell you why.

When I was eight years old, I went on a school trip to a theme park named “Amaze World” with my school and the theme park had tons of fun things to do from going on the craziest rollercoasters and visiting the most amazing arcades that are always full of surprises however, there was one place I really regret going and that was their haunted house, Madeline Mansion.

The mansion stands approximately two meters away from the hot dog stand and I beckoned my friends to come with me but they immediately refused due to them being absolute wimps when it comes to scary stuff so I decided to go on my own.

The house is said to be safe but when I went that time, it was far from it (just a little warning if you ever consider going).

When I entered Madeline Mansion, all I could smell was the rotting of wooden floorboards and could only hear silence, utter silence. I all of a sudden started to hear a voice that has never been reported in the mansion before, it made my blood instantly run cold…

“This mansion is closed due to concerns of missing people here please turn back.” I’ve never heard this before. It would be closed if the mansion wasn’t safe, I decided to walk further into the mansion but the minute I took one step…

“Scree, scree!” I heard from somewhere deep into the mansion. It sounded like the screeching of an anxious bird but it certainly sounded peculiar but suddenly, I heard that voice again saying that this will be my home. I wanted to escape but I knew if I took another step I’d hear that intimidating screeching again so I decided to stay still; very still.

Suddenly, a young boy burst into the mansion and before I could tell him to stand still, a large gust of wind hit the boy and quickly made him turn to dust. This was extremely terrifying and I knew it wasn’t right, it had to stop.

“Stop this! Whoever you are, stop this!” I screamed angrily and a moment later, a faceless man with a top hat and black suit stalked in front of me where I was standing and my hands started to ball into fists so, without hesitation…

I screeched as high as I could and the gust of wind took the faceless man as it’s next victim as the man turned to dust. Children started to flood the corridor and I soon realised that they were the children when went missing but before I could do a sigh of relief, one of the children walked over to me with a neutral expression on his face saying…

“Well done whoever you are, just remember to never walk home alone.”

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