You find a non-functioning old pocket watch in an antique shop.

Write the story of when the pocket watch stopped.

The Watch

I walked into the store. I saw my grandfather’s old pocket watch sitting on the counter, being sold to some random stranger. I ran up to the stranger as he was leaving the store, and quickly asked him to hand over the watch. He got upset and started shouting at me with such intense anger in his voice. I began to try to explain that someone must have found it in the streets and turned it in to the antique shop, and it was my grandfather’s watch. He didn’t want to hear it and told me to “get lost”. I quickly snatched the watch from his hands and ran. He tried to chase me, but he ran out of breathe after a few minutes. I looked at the watch and suddenly realized it wasn’t my grandfather’s. I tried to find the man again, but he was long gone. I stumbled back into the antique shop, and there I found a much better pocket watch than anything my grandfather could ever afford. I picked up the watch and asked an employee how much it was. “$73,957” the employee replied. “Would you like to buy it?” “No, thank you” I answered. There was no way I could ever male so much money. I saw a mother and her child walking out of the store, and I swiftly placed a ring on the child’s shoulder. The alarm went off as they walked out of the store, giving me the chance to escape the store, watch in hand. Once I was a few blocks away from the store, I looked down at the pocket watch. The hands were not moving and the time was incorrect. I stole a watch for no reason, it didn’t even work. I stared into the glass of the watch, and suddenly it seemed as if time had stopped. I glanced around and nobody was moving. I stared back into the glass, I was scared. I didn’t know how I had stopped time. Once I looked up again, there was a man standing over me. Everybody was moving again. He snapped his fingers and everyone stopped. It was then that I realized that I had done nothing, and the watch was still an overpriced piece of junk.

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