You are stuck in a room with a psychopath who wants to kill you. You have 5 minutes to convince them otherwise.

Write a short speech to convince this desolate individual to spare your life.


“Please,” I began to plead, standing to my feet. “I have a wife. A daughter.” The lanky man just tilted his head. To my horror, a blood-thirsty smile scraped onto his face. He just continued to walk forward, bloody crowbar in hand. The edge of the weapon dripped as the killer walked nearer and nearer to me. “Really! You don’t have to do this!” I was backed up against the wall with my hands raised. Suddenly the man swung his weapon at my face. The metal crowbar slammed into my shoulder, a numb pain shooting down my nerves. The killer’s grin grew maniacally as he pulled his weapon back. I had nowhere to do. No way to escape. I knew it was over. Sorrowfully I started into the eyes of my attacker, hoping to see any form of mercy available. There was nothing. He pulled back the weapon over his shoulder. “Now you can join your friends,” the killer bashed the crowbar against my head, the life escaping from my caved in skull. The world around grew dark as blood rushed from my head. That was it.

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