The Royal Watcher

I am the queen married to the king

The first night we were to be married he escorted me to his bed

He closed the curtain and a man stood outside of the closed curtain

It felt weird knowing there was another soul privy to our love

The king caressed me and pulled off my dress layer by cumbersome layer.

We were experienced and the whole kingdom called him the Royal Player

When we were done we walked outside only to find the Royal Watcher outside our bedroom stroking his shaft and moaning in the king’s chair.

“You lustful beast put your clothes back on. We will discuss this later.”

“You majesty this job turns me on. There is nothing wrong with pleasure.”

“You shall be beheaded.”

“As you wish your majesty, Then I shall die a happy and satisfied man.”

When the sentence was set to happen the local town butcher pulled out his most sharp cleaver.

Said drop trough sir

And proceeded to hold the man’s now titilated member and chop off the man’s manhood.

The former Royal Watcher bled and dropped to his knees.

The king approached and said this is what you get for these and held the man’s member up for all to see.

The crowd applauded assuming he’d done something terrible.

Women and children clapping

WHo knew right from wrong.

And suddenly a child spoke inquiring what he had done wrong

The king knelt down and said my dear child don’t you see

This man is a harlot to me and my bride to be.

The child not concerned said love is love this man is unjust fully a eunuch

Children know more then and they also know more now.

Children are more caring than most adults and have way more compassion.

The man made a mistake can’t you compromise or at least give him a warning the child went on

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