Craft a story where each sentence begins with the successive letter of the alphabet, starting with A.
The story can be about whatever you like, but try to make it coherent and logical as you carefully choose words to start each sentence.
Andante, Little Sprout
Andante, little sprout
Beware the wish to win the race
Can you wait but a little longer?
Don’t rush, darling, even if
Every bone in you screams _RUN_
Forget what they told you about fast
Going the distance requires consistency,
Half the battle is a steady pace.
Ignition throttles you forward,
Just wait a moment, dear,
Kindly reduce your speed,
Let your feet develop a rhythm, andante,
Mind the path, cast off your fear
No need to compare yourself to others,
Of course, you might stumble,
Perhaps you might fall, but just as
Quickly get up! Do not
Ruminate, love, on your
Shortcomings— everyone has them,
Teeming, our flaws sprawl inside
Us like so many weeds.
Voracious we are to
Whittle them away, to create a perfect
Xanadu where nothing slows us down.
Yet we must continue, andante,
Zeroing in on the finish line.
Keep going,