Your main character wakes up in an unknown place, tied up and gagged. Unfortunately, her kidnapper doesn't know she's highly trained, in control, and unafraid.
Introduce a powerful female lead who handles her misfortune like a badass.
Just Another Tuesday
The voices came first as I slowly came to, blinking as I adjusted to the lights in the room. I couldn’t make out what the individuals were saying, but I could tell there were at least two people, possibly a third. One voice was barking orders, and there was shuffling noises that equaled two people moving around. Listening more intently, I could tell the one barking orders was speaking too clearly, breathing easy, so I assumed he wasn’t contributing to the shuffling: this meant three people.
Now for my surroundings. These three weren’t in the same room I was in, which had only one door, and as far as I could tell, no windows. I was positioned towards the door, but at an angle. Judging from the length of the walls, I was near the back corner, but there should still be a few feet between me and the wall. The only furniture was the chair I was tied to, a lightbulb hanging from the ceiling turned on and off by a chain, and two other lights that were pointed at me, hence the blinking to adjust.
How was I doing? As mentioned I was tied to the chair, each foot tied around the ankle to their corresponding chair legs; hands tied in a similar fashion around the wrists to the armrests; not exactly tied, but there was a gag in my mouth, meaning I’d only be making inarticulate noises, not that I’d be needing to, but calling for help was out of the question.
I didn’t need help. I’d been in plenty similar situations, and worse. Leaning forward slightly, I calculated how much force I would need for my plan, waited for another barked order, then popped the chair up on its two back legs. Once there was danger of falling backwards, I pushed my legs down along the legs of the chair, slipping the ropes past the bottom of the legs, freeing my feet and causing enough forward momentum to bring the chair back to being level. Using my newly freed feet, I softened the landing to avoid making a clatter.
(Ran out of time…basically she was gonna break a lightbulb, use that to cut her hands free, remove the gag, and it was gonna end with her smiling holding the chair as a bat since she heard them walking towards the door)