Submitted by Rover
Write a story where your main character is connected to the mafia.
They could have a relative who is tied to the gang, be a member who wants out, a love story between members, whatever pathway you choose!
The mafia.
People hear mafia and they think it’s all killing and dumping bodies in the ocean.
Okay so sure there’s some of that. Ya know sometimes you just gotta take care of business and there’s nothing else you can do.
My father tired to hide the family business from me and I’m sure it was only to protect me but I was always too curious for my own good. I found out when I was around 12.
I had waited until my father was out “in a meeting” when I finally dared to sneak into his office that he always kept locked unless h was going in or out. At first I didn’t find anything ,
Just notebooks with numbers and names in it. I thought nothing of it until I saw the newspaper clipping and the “reports”. The newspaper was filled with articles about dead bodies found or people who mysteriously disappeared. I filed though the reports. They were from people my father worked with. They described gruesome scenes and “accidents” they saw. I had lost track of time and didn’t hear my father come home until it was too late. At first he was surprised, then angry. I had never seen him so angry before. He didn’t talk to me for a long time, no one really did.
Then one night- very late my father came to my room. He explained everything to me. He said he wanted to wait until I was older-
He didn’t want to think he was a psycho or anything but since I already found out . He answered all my questions and I could tell he no longer was talking to me like a child, he wasn’t going to hide the truth anymore because I would only find it out later.
It took a while to get use to the idea of my family and the the mafia but it was more than just death and kill king. After I found everything my fathered made sure to share everything with me. He didn’t leave any details out, even if I wished he would. He wanted me to know what the family business really meant. It was more than just death and killing. It was about looking out for people, it was about defending the defenseless, it was about protection. It was about putting family first,no matter what. It was our way of life.