Celestial Lights

Ethereal lights of unbelievable beauty, where colours fuse to paint the dark sky in metallic hues of green, purple and pink. Like a dream I never want to wake up from, I marvel at this celestial ceiling that feels from another world. I’m humbled. Incredibly moved. Tears fill my eyes; that only happens whenever I’m in the presence of unexplainable grace. It’s as if I’m not on Earth anymore, but somewhere far away in this galaxy. A precious moment I want to hold on to forever, though I know nothing is forever. So I inhale the frosty air and focus in this moment. I want to forget the past and the future isn’t here yet. Only this present moment matters. I take all the mental photographs I can. One day, when I’m old, I want to describe to my grandchildren every single shade of these enchanting colours brushing the night. They will say that the artist who created such beauty could only have been the purest of angels.

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