Write a scene where a character confesses their (unreturned) love for another.

A girl Lily goes to high school and gets bullied

Lily goes to school Monday she says

I’m so excited for my first day of high school. I wonder how it’s going to be she packs her bag gets her shoes on and leaves mom I’m going to school she says and leaves she ever comes get in Lily says bus driver Maggie OK bus driver Maggie says drive to school bum bum bum bum bum Music goes. We are after school sis Maggie gets to school Ava Bailey silence, she says all to her friends, including Ava Bailey and Violet they go into their first class which is math class. There’s this girl named Rita. Rita is the boy of the school. Rita starts making fun of Bailey Lily and violet. You guys look so stupidsaid Rita, but she is insecure with herself says daily. Why so insecure about yourself says Bailey so violet steps in and says Bailey stop it no she is Rita. She still learn her lesson!! What lesson does Lilly it’s literally her first day and wasn’t really gone bad says Ava and Bailey let’s fight said to Bailey no

Well, it says Rita punching her kicking her, and then Lily gets away she getting punched, kept and screamed at pinched

Rita!!!!!! 00000 says everyone oh shut up Bailey Ava and Lily Lily I’m gonna fight you next you have been warned just come with me. The principal you are gonna be expelled principal happy even though my name is happy I’m not very happy all the time it doesn’t matter if you want to fight girls because you cannot fight them, you understand reader I raised you better than this what Lily Ava Bailey say she’s your mother is principal happy is my mother said Rita but that doesn’t matter that she’s my mother. I will take her out in one self swoop no, you won’t read it!!! You will go to my office now! I will have your dad pick you up you better hope John doesn’t this is your 10th time in a row you bullied the new kids. This is not a good day for Lily now so unless you wanna tell your stepdad what you’ve done today go to my office.

No, no no there’s no need for that. Says Rita I’ll go to your office mom and head. What does she have to be so stupid all the time like I know she’s my mother but like she needs to calm down says something out loud she’s so annoying. what didyou say principal happy says go to my office right now I’m telling John rings John ring ring ring ring ring hello John guess what your daughter said to a new girl what did she say? Started fighting Bailey and Lily, which is the new student Bailey and Lily are really injured. I’m gonna send them up to the nurses office right now OK good that’s really good. Are they OK? Hey sweetie, would you like to talk to your your daughter, put her on hello Ava says

Hi, why what the heck would you get in a fight? They were just so annoying Bailey and Lily. We’re just so annoying Dad. I’m sorry you could be big big big trouble. You wanna get your iPad for two weeks and you won’t get your TV for a month at least I get my iPad in two weeks. Do you want me to take it away for a month to try me You were gonna be expelled yes well we might as well send you to a boarding school. You go let me call them right now. Ring ring ring hello oh this is it this is VVU for school yes hello I would like to move my daughter to your boarding school. Yes of course what did the child’s name? The child’s name is Rita OK last name Whitlock OK so read Whitlock yes ma’am that is correct. OK we have registered. She should be enroll tomorrow cause my mom put Rita on the phone like you’re gonna be boarding school tomorrow now. Let your mom take you home and pack your stuff.


OK oh everyone shush get enrolled. I hated here maybe next time you should learn your lesson I will. I’m sorry that still does not change the fact that you’re in boring school and you’re probably Lily gets home.

Oh my God, that was a heck of a day let me write my dear diary today was a crazy day. It was my first day of high school and there was a lot of building that went around and I didn’t even get introduced to any people yet but there was this one nice girl that I didn’t know yet her name was actually it was two people Ava and Bailey. They were my best friend and that situation Bailey got in a fight and then I got in the middle of it and then I got beat up too. I’m OK though at least I’m not in a coma I mean yeah I’m right but that girl Rita went to boarding school. She’s a school bully and I’m so happy she’s fine. I’m ready for another day so there was principal happy. She was really nice and she was Rita‘s mother. Could you believe it now now I understand where Rita gets the rudeness actually might not be from her mother. Her mother is nice, but it might be for her father trying to go and get milk or run away from her because she’s always so mean to people

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