In a world where the ocean is considered a terrifying, prohibited place, describe your character’s first experience of going in the sea.
Why do they have to, and how do they feel about it?
Sea Song
All my life the ocean has been forbidden. I remember the first time I felt this overwhelming desire to step in but then was snatched up by my grandmother. She frantically screamed at me and told me the ocean is dangerous. It’s no place for anyone who wants to live. I had no idea what she meant. I was only 3. I asked her why but I didn’t get an answer. In fact, no one really gave me an explanation till I was about 12.
I had been looking out the bay window at the dark waters as they rushed and crashed against the jagged rocks. My grandmother was lying on the couch half asleep. The rain was starting to come down softly at first, and then picking up within minutes.
Why is the ocean so dangerous grandma? Why does no one ever try to explore it? We explore space! We explore other planets! Why not our own ocean?
It’s dangerous.
What makes it so dangerous?
It started with space exploration. I don’t know the details, but ever since we found out how we were able to explore the stars, the waters became off limits. People who enter the ocean disappear and are never seen again. Anyone who enters can never leave. No one knows why.
I saw a tear go down grandmas face.
Is that what happened to my mother?
Grandma turned to face the back of the couch and I knew this conversation was over.
I didn’t know hardly any details, but I do know this, shortly after my mother had me, she went into the forbidden waters for some reason and was never seen again. Every family has at least one member who entered and was never seen again. You’d think with this track record, no one would dare enter but somehow the sea calls to them…. To us. To me.
I had to know the secret. Even if it meant I would never live to share my discoveries. My opportunity would soon present itself.
I was up in my room but could hear the screams of my grandmother so loud it felt lil it was in my very ear! I ran to the kitchen to see blood on the counter and blood dripping from her hand. She had cut herself while making dinner. I didn’t waste any time. I called for help. I wrapped her hand as tight as I could, trying to ignore the feel of her finger barely hanging on. Surgery lasted hours and the hospital stay would last days. I would have to keep an eye on the Victorian mansion, alone, and unsupervised. I saw the fear in my grandmothers eyes. Somehow she knew the temptation in my 16 year old heart. She knew none of the stories scared me but only fascinated me. Her eyes pleaded a promise from me but I merely shook my head and assured her every thing would be alright.
I meant to stay away. I really did. But the moon was full. There was no one around. The sea was cam as glass. I sat on the wrap around porch steps staining. It was nearly silent. A slight breeze picked up and I saw the trees bend toward the waters. It was as if something else had lifted me. I made sure no one was watching as I approached the rocks. What if I just touched the waters?
I strained my hand to reach. I had to stretch further. My dark hair fell into my face almost causing me to plunge face first in tre waters! I caught myself… but my hands touched the water.
Nothing. Nothing happened. I waited 3 days while my grandmother was mending in the hospital. Would my hand because diseased and fall off? Would I get sick and die?
Nothing. My grandmother returned home and nothing happened. Have we all been lied to? If so, why did so many people disappeared?
My grandmother was relaxing on the couch again. Another storm was approaching. The sea looked so angry. No… sad…. Like it was lonely or something. Then I heard it. A song? Like a flute sound from a shell? I turned to my grandmother to see if she heard it. She just lay there, eyes starting to close. As she fell asleep, the song grew louder. I stepped out onto the porch. It was beautiful. It was the most beautiful song I had ever heard in my life! It’s like the wind and rain were part of a heavenly orchestra expressing something beyond my comprehension. I wanted to hear more!
The storm passed and along with it the song. Life seemed to go on normally. For a while. But then music that no one else seemed to hear kept playing. The more intently I listened, the closer to the waters I mindlessly walked. I was hypnotized!
Shara! My grandmother screamed over and over but I hardly heard her. She got right up in my face, standing between myself and the rocks. The song was louder than her screams…. Only her shaking me released me from my trance.
What’s happening Shara? You know you can’t go in the waters! No one can!
The music… it’s pulling me in.
My grandmother seemed to understand all at once. She tried to pull me to the house. Her hands burning my skin with her tug of war. It was no use. Nothing could stop me from entering the waters. I nearly dragged her in as well! And what I saw….
Was a galaxy with billions of stars. I swam deeper and could see planets and solar systems… a whole universe I could explore! I never looked back!