Write a story about a toy that your main character has kept from childhood for a specific reason.

You could make it a description of the toy or a memory, or the toy could be a smaller part of the story.


I was given that charm bracelet when I was five. I was told that with every year I grow, I would get a new charm to symbolize another year.

I guess it’s not the same when your parents die and you move in with your rich aunt.

She’s nice but always seems to be busy. To busy to notice your bracelet.

Then you meet the neighbor boy. At one point you are best friends, then dating, then engaged, then married.

But what I saw was more than just a boy. He noticed my bracelet. And he spent his allowance money to get it resized and added a charm for every year I had lost.

And when we got engaged, he got a ring.

And a ring charm.

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