“Did you ever mean it?”

“Once, yes. But only once.”

Write a short story that contains this dialogue.

Enemies, To Lovers, To Enemies

I raced up the stairs, the smell of smoke heavy in the air. As I reached the top of them, I was met with Asten blocking my way, crossbow in hand. He aimed at my heart.

The snake! I thought we had been getting alone quite nicely. No big deal though, I could kill him if I wanted to.

“Not another step Adira,”

I lifted my hands up with a grin.

“Oh such a wondrous gift you have given me friend!”

“Not friend,” Asten corrected.

“Hm, would you rather the title, your highness?”

His abilities to hide his amusement were impressive, I had to give him that.

“Do it! Send me to hell!”

When he lowered the weapon I let my arms smack my sides in disappointment.

“Did you ever mean it?” He stood inches away from my face now.

“What, mean what?”

“When you said you would never betray me, never let anything happen to me?” He asked softly, tucking a brown curl behind my ear. My heart beat fast, my breath caught in my throat. Ones I realized that I needed to breath to survive, I shoved him away and coughed into my arm.


“Sorry, your just so unromantic and ugly you made me gag,”

He crossed his arms.

“Am not!”

“Are too,”

“Am not!”

“Are too,”

“Am not!”

“Ooo this is fun! Are too,”

“Did you ever mean it?!” He asked again.

“Ones, yes. But only ones. When I had all the information, I could finally carry out an attack on the Queen. With her down, now all that’s left to do is shape a new and better world,” I explained, examining my chipped nails.

“Under your command? Selfish assassin,” he scowled.

“That my friend-“

“Not friend,”

“That yUoR hIgH nEsS, is a very hurtful statement! Of corse not under my command, under Oma’s daughter, Rojo. Yeah, I can tell by your expression you didn’t know she existed,” (not in those weird words but I couldn’t think of any other way to make her say it while sounding annoying on here)

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a princess to take care of. See ya,”

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