With the night comes darkness, but also stars.
Write a poem inspired by, or containing this line.
The Darkness
In my usual spot and I stare.
Out I nto the back yard. Just there.
The shadows stretch longer
My terrors grow stronger
The sun sinks low to kiss the earth.
As a new night is given birth.
It's not the dark I fear, per se,
Rather, things come out, not here in the day.
The shadows grow longer, now across the lawn
Growing arms, legs and teeth, the devil’s spawn.
As night wears on, they creep up to the house.
I run inside like a little mouse.
I peak out the window, filled with dread
But the yard looks different, I can even see the shed.
I look up in the dark, the sky now torn with little scars.
I suddenly realize…
With the night comes darkness, but also the stars.