Submitted by CSW

Death’s favourite human comes to visit. The young girl has a medical condition where her heart stops for a few minutes every once in awhile. Death is the girl’s favourite friend.


A wail clawed at my throat and pushed at my lips. Then I couldn’t breathe.

My lungs screamed for air, but I was drowning. Water was in my nose, my mouth. Submerged six feet under layers of water and flashing lights. It swirled around me in a dizzying way. Staleness forced itself into my lungs, causing visceral pain to ricochet of my ribs and snake its wrathful body around my torso. Fingers of despair crawled across my skull as the word death printed itself on the back of my eye-lids. Tendrils of haziness twirled in my mind, as a sweet smelling aroma entered my nose. For a few seconds there was bliss. Then everything went dark.

“I see you missed me too much to stay away.” His gravely voice cut to the core of my existence, slicing through the air like a newly sharpened knife blade. I recoiled at the sound, my insides shrivelling. Death. I was dead. “Your condition hasn’t seemed to improve significantly, has it not?” I shook my head, reaching my sweaty palm to my heart feeling the pulseless silence. I drew in long, ragged breaths and tried to stand. The brick room was illuminated by candle-lit torches emitting a hue of flickering red in the blackness.

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