Submitted by Inspiration

Write a story that features a festival.

A scene could take place at a festival, it could be part of a conversation, or a smaller part of a story.

5 Year Reunion

The golden sprinkles of forgotten stars owned the hopeful night sky, glistening down on the ever-gracious planet Keplar. It was the annual festival for their valiant god - Bouron, where the entire residing species would come in unison over a common appreciation & indebtedness to grant worship for their benevolent saviour.

A few miles away stood a docile statue of their planets former leader, known to be the specimen responsible for their foolishly close call with extinction 5 years ago. Although most people sought out destruction of the towering eye-sore a majority agreed that the most suitable consequence was to leave it standing & allow for as much discrimination as their people felt fitting - solely as a disrespectful mockery of his tarnished legacy.

Atop the spoiled statues decaying shoulder sat a reminiscing pirate by the name of Darrel. His head held high - watching the ceremonial applause from afar whilst holding his position as their figurative guardian angel. As if on cue, he was greeted by his younger brother Casper who flew over & accompanied his secluded perch.

“Wow, 5 years…” Casper Remarked. “I don’t know what you think but whoever said time flies is full of shit, this whole thing feels like forever!”

“Yep. You know, I think you actually get LESS mature every year. Crazy, right.” Darrel mocked, in a sarcastically cordial way.

Their jesters were interrupted by the encapsulating display erupting laudably through the busy city of ‘Kan-Sar’. Shadowy streets were illuminated by what appeared to be a mighty culmination of fireflies, naturally orchestrated in the image of an elegant feline patrolling & protecting their festival - emitting feelings of hope & security to all party-goers who were present.

“Wow, that’s new. Shame we can’t get a closer look.” Casper expressed. “I woulda gone bigger though, you know if this was OUR festival.”

“They can never know the truth, you know that.” Darrel explained, tentatively. “We’re ‘space pirates’ to these people, I’d rather the children of Keplar have someone appealing to look up to than some crooks.”

The truth was, the festival of Bouron was based around adoration of a false prophet - rather than the two spunky anti-heroes who really were valiant enough to save their planet.

“It sucks though, doesn’t it?” Casper pursued. “It would be nice for us to have been given the recognition that we rightfully earned.”

Darrel pondered the consequence of their seclude, whether the reward could possibly be worth the risk. The awe-inspiring beauty of the golden-lanterns floating symmetrically over such gushing rivers. Tuneful symphonies from the marching band would eloped an earshot like a band of crickets harmonising a blissful sunset.

Darrel declared his response.

“Every year when we come here, I wish things could go that way…but the sense of obligation outweighs what I want. The kids have a hero they can look up to now, that’s what makes it worth it.”

As the show drew to a close, ensembles of pleasured youth chanted & pranced in an orderly fashion to the rhythm of their marching band. The participants & crowds equally applauded such communal exertion.

“Beautiful ain’t it, the sense of community here.” Darrel pronounced, embraced with appreciation.

“Yeah…” Casper replied, unsure. “Same time next year I presume?”

Casper turned to face his beloved brother & assured him with a jovial wink, encapsulating the nature of their unspoken bond - before leaving promptly.

Darrel retained his place beside the city, taking in every last ounce of joy - as if it was his own to take.

He smiled.

“Any time.”

The End.

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