Introduce two characters in a scene who are complete opposites, and highlight their differences through dialogue and actions.

Agents Of Chaos

A soldier wearing an all black tactical suit walks into a room with a man dressed in a suit with his hair slicked back.

“Director sir” The soldier says in a firm voice making sure to project his voice but not shout and to stand up straight, “Agents A and Z have returned.” The director starts grinning.

“Send them in here for me.” The director tells the soldier

“Yes sir.” The soldier says right before he leaves the room and closes the door behind him.

The door reopens and closes with an adolescent male and an adolescent female both in suits walking in the room.

“Good afternoon agent A and Z,” The director says.

“Good afternoon director.” A and Z responded

“So what’s new this time Sir?” Agent A asked with a straight face

“New mission? Tell me it’s a new mission! I already wanna fuck some shit up again!” Agent Z said loudly with a visible smile on her face.

“He can’t answer if you keep barraging him with questions.” Agent A responded keeping his same straight faced expression.

“I’m sorry was I talking to you?” Agent Z said with a visibly irritated expression taking over her face, “We can take this to the training center.”

“I will not waste my time and entertain your foolishness.”

“Whatever you say Agent Asshat.”

Agent A finally drops his straight faced expression and grabs Agent Z’s collar.

“Watch who you’re talking to you little shit.” Agent A says in his half monotone half angry tone.

“There you go A. Cut that fake ass serious shit out” Agent Z responded smiling.

“If you two are done I called you in here for a reason.” The director spoke in a firm expression. A and Z both straightened up and looked forward quickly.

“Now as I was saying. After you two’s performance on your recent missions I have decided to promote both of you from apprentices to official assassins of the organization.” The director tells the two of them. Both of the Agents reactions consist of shock and they are both speechless. The director pulls out a file and drops it on the table.

“And this is your first target.” He says as A and Z look down at the table.

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